Improving well being in the work place has been proven to increase employee satisfaction and
work productivity. Therefore employee well being programmes , such as employee assistance
programmes (EAPS) are more important than ever. At the Work Well Being Vault we consider the
health and well being of employers and employees is of paramount importance .We are fully
qualified in delivering and assisting you to deliver a work place well being initiative .We will fully
assist you with creating your own work place well being charter which is a formal pledge for all your employees & company to abide by to ensure a happy , healthy productive work force. We also offer full staff well being auditing services to assess your current company wellbeing policy
initiative assessing 7 key areas of employees well being . So then ensuring the creation of the appropriate well being initiative for your organization.
Why Should You Invest In Work Place Wellness ?
Studies show that there are many reasons work place wellness initiatives are a good return on allinvestments made . There are 3 key reasons - Increased productivity and motivation of all staff for example they can perform their job role with more energy ,enthusiasm and physical health & well being. It also builds camaraderie & morale in all staff and engages staff in a shared purpose.Plus it decreases work related stress allowing for less work anxieties & mindfullness.
7 Key Areas Of Employee Well Being Audit
1) Health-Looking at physical health , mental health and physical safety in the work place to see what well being initiatives need to be put in place to address this eg physical activity sessions & mental well being first aid ,work place mental health advocacy initiatives & physical safety at
work initiatives
2) Good Work Environment -This is where we assess the current work environment , employees
work roles ,and work load management .To see if more flexible working practices are needed to
ease work pressures and if work /life balance programmes .are needed .We also then look into
the ergonomic design of your work space to see if any adaptions need to be made for physical
health improvements
3) Work Values & Principles-A persons conscience plays a big part in their identity. If they do notbelieve they work for a "good " company this will affect their motivation. and well being. We will assess and help address any of these values and principles by suggesting a full employees assistance programme to suit your business including diversity & inclusion training days and full
delivery of work force policies to suit flexible working practices such as hours to suit all working
mothers and remote workers
4) Collective & Social- We spend a lot of our adult lives at work, so it is essential that it feels like a welcoming space. Creating a good social and collective identity in the work place will help all the employees feel at home and allow them to excel. Once we assess the companies collective social identity we can address issues by encouraging team work with team building sessions & regular work group brain storming idea sessions .We can also run management training courses to help build company relations and run an open forum for all business decision making ,all assisting in the overall well being of the work force .
5) Personal Growth- What keeps people motivated in their career is growth. If they feel they are not learning and developing or growing they will feel unmotivated as a person and in business.
We will assess all staffs level of personal growth and then can suggest or implement a career
development performance plan for them, we also offer resiliency training to improve personal
development and mentoring programmes ,upskilling sessions and learning platforms .To ensure
personal well being and career development of all staff.
6) Good Lifestyle Choices -We will assess staffs current healthy lifestyle choices in relation to their personal & work well being. On assessment we will then be able to provide a full well being and lifestyle service including work place well being health and fitness services such as work
place health assessments , fitness classes , corporate subsidised gym membership plans , and a
referral to ergonomically designed work space companies offering standing desks .We also offer nutritional support and guidance from our healthy lifestyle advisors & much more offering a full bespoke healthy lifestyle concierge service .
7) Financial Well Being- A persons financial well being will have a huge effect on their work day.
Stress caused by pay levels ,lack of financial awareness or absence of employees benefits can
affect work performance. While you help your employees by providing them a wage we can help them by going one step further and offer them more ways of making sensible financial decisions.We will first assess your employees financial situation in relation to work and put actions in place to address any issues .For example suggesting a profit share scheme to allow employees to get a benefit from the companies success ,we can help make policies to ensure correct levels of pay for all employees and hold work days focused on finances and savings ,& look into counselling
Developing A Well Being Charter
After a full 7 key area staff well being audit as above it is time to develop a well being charter
your organization . The Work Well Being Vault will assist you with creating this very important
work place well being pledge based on the audits findings & suggest the appropriate key areas
to address ,defining all steps going forwards to achieve all staff work place well being targets &
ensure the correct work place well being initiative .
Work Place Well Being Initiatives
At the Work Well Being Vault we offer a full range of work place well being solutions including
demand work shops, seminars , educational webinars and learning resources ,mental health first aid & mental health advocacy in the work place sessions, resiliency at work ,full healthy lifestyle
support ,mindfulness , relaxation & physical activity sessions .Offering you the full work place
well being support package from auditing staffs well being , & creating a work place charter to
delivering or instigating a work place well being initiative. An example of one of our work place
well being strategy plan intiatives is outlined below.
Work Place Well Being Strategy Program
The world of work is changing & managing employee's health & well being has never been more challenging .The Work Well Being Vault can help you to create a great place for your employee's to work & thrive with this strategic program. The Work Place Well Being Strategy Program is a 6 week strategy plan for your business .This course is aimed at business owners, senior managers & HR professionals who want to make a difference to the work place and it's people.
The Work Place Well Being Strategy Program Includes-
-Weekly one on one work place well being strategy coaching sessions
-6 group accountability work place well being strategy coaching sessions
-Lifetime access to the online course in work place well being strategy management
-Work place well being strategy management work books, questionnaires & how to guides
-An expertise guide for an end to end process of implementing a work place well being strategy
-Implementation of a robust strategy & frame work to support you through the journey
-A feed back draft for your chosen work place well being strategy planned for your organisation
* Please contact The Work Well Being Vault for more information & pricing at 07875086760 or at*