See for yourself what it is really like to be a Business Coach /Mentor .We are now running new Business Discovery Days virtually for any potential new recruits to the Business Vault business coaching team or people looking into going into business coaching as a career Discover whether you have what it takes to join our growing team of business coaches training ,tutoring and
mentoring others in business. On this session you gain knowledge about what it takes to become a successful business coach . This meeting is a very important part of finding the right business coaching opportunity for you whether you decide to join our team of ever growing business coaches ,or choose business coaching as a career in general is the right opportunity for you . Join our monthly virtual Business Discovery Day meeting to support you on your own Business Coaching Journey.
During The Discovery Day You Will:
-Learn and understand why people succeed with Business Coaching
-Learn the systems and what it takes to become a business coach
-Discover if becoming a Business Vault Business Coach is for you
-Look into business support tools available through working with The Business Vault
-Learn ways to boost your business community interest in your coaching business
-Get the opportunity to ask questions you need to make the right career choice decisions
-Discover the planned activities to take your business coaching to another level
-Run through the Business Vault recruitment process if this is right for you
-Share some of the Business Vaults biggest secrets to Business coaching success
-Find out more about building business ,taking the mystery out of getting Business
-Take away a Business Discovery Day Business resource pack & application form
-Look into possible Business Coaching opportunities
Business Discovery Call
If you are unable to attend the full Business Discovery Day then you also have another option of
a Business Discovery Call session with a professional Business Coach ,a condensed version of the full days schedule but still a good introduction to see what it takes to become a truly very successful Business Coach & Business Mentor for the Business Vault and join our ever growing team or whether to choose Business Coaching in general as a career choice. The new Business Discovery Callis still a structured session looking into business learning sytems , the Business Vault recruitment process and building your business and business coaching skills .The Business Discovery Call will allow for easier scheduling into your work diary and then you can decide whether to proceed anyfurther with your application and /or to attend the full Discovery Day session opportunity.
*Please contact The Business Vault for more information on the Business Discover Day session at following or 07875086760*