The Business Vault offers a a range of online and face to face work shops in Business Skills .The Core Business Skills Master Class Work Shop Series is a selection of educational development face to face workshops in core competencies & skill sets needed for business .These core skills
include project management, change management , business analysis , economics , negotiation
skills, decision making skills ,emotional intelligence ,data analysis and much more .Some of them
are listed below. They can be delivered on site at your work place as either half day or full day
Master Class Work shops .Please see examples of some of those offered below.
Decision Making Skills Master Class Work Shop
All professionals need strong decision making skills in order to navigate the complex challenges
they will face in the work place .For those specifically working in business or management these
decision making skill needs are even greater. Learn how to determine how to allocate business
resources and how to implement a new initiative across an organisation .Learn about business
resources that can be used to capture data that managers can use to fuel their processes with
valuable insights to make data driven decisions often leading to better outcomes .Learn about
this and much more at this Master Class Work Shop.
Negotiation Skills Master Class Work Shop
Whether you are just beginning your professional journey or operating at a senior level it pays to learn how to negotiate in business. Negotiation was identified as one of the top 10 real core business skills needed to thrive in the future work force. Honing your deal making skills can not only help you to secure value for your organisation at the bargaining table ,but for yourself when looking for a higher salary or raise at work .Learn all about this valuable core business skill at this face to face masterclass work shop.
Data Analysis Master Class Work shop
Research shows that an increasing share of firms are using analytics to generate growth . When
your company is able to summarise data sets, recognise trends and test hypotheses it can help
give an analytical frame work for approaching complex business problems and help you make
more informed decisions that you and your organisation could benefit from. Learn all about this
and much more at this face to face Master Class Work Shop.
Emotional Intelligence Master Class Work Shop
Another essential business skill set is emotional intelligence & research shows it's an important
leading indicator of performance in the work place. Emotional Intelligence is commonly broken
into four concepts : self -management , social awareness , self -awareness & also relationship
management .In short this skill refers to your ability to understand your emotions & how they impact certain situations , as well as your ability to recognise & influence the emotions of others.
No matter what your industry or position ,having this awareness of yourself & those around you
will enable you to have more control over your interactions as well as your ability to recognise &
influence the emotions of others in business. Learn all about this important business skill set and
how to develop it for business success in this face to face Master Class Work shop.
Time Management Master Class Work Shop
Time management skills ,like other soft skills ,such as organisation skills are in high demand .Any
employees who can manage their time well are normally more productive and more efficient at
work. Effective time management requires staff to analyse work load ,assign priorities & and also maintain focus and it involves scheduling your day .Learn all about this and much more in this Time Management Master Class Work Shop.
Communication Skills Master Class Work Shop
Communication is an important part of life and is one that is often taken for granted .To be fully
effective in business you have to be able to communicate well in all forms, written, verbally and
technologically .The key is how to effectively communicate your business vision with passion &
conviction .You will learn all about the different ways of communicating to employees, clients &
new hires to the company in this Communication Skills Master Class Work Shop.
*Please contact The Business Vault for more details at or at the
following telephone number 07875086760*