Business innovation is how to differentiate your business from the crowd ,doing something
is different ,that has not been done before .The more your business innovates the more unique
it becomes .Standing out from the pack helps to ensure that your business can survive the new
businesses flooding the market. Innovation is the process of identifying and developing ideas &
new concepts that represent a leap forwards in value for your business.It is a challenging & risk
prone practice requiring brave, creative business approaches to change .The Business Vault
Innovation Hub can help identify, research & develop new innovative ideas, concepts ,products,
marketing innovations and organisational innovations .Our tools help to harness future thinking
map future behaviour & study those innovations & early adopter opportunities that differentiate
brand leaders from category followers by looking into research & devlopment into your business
sector and looking at opportunities that you have not explored.We are method neutral and we
our clients , a rich point of view on their future highlighting & influencing change ,opportunity & our clients can build a business platform for growth & key innovation opportunities
& set a long term vision for a bright business future ,using the following step by step Business
Innovation Process-
Business Innovation Step By Step Process-
1) Inventive Step Identify a leap forwards in your business which will include looking into any
backwards inventions , cost innovation, design thinking , latent need, parallel design, research
& development , speculative design & system thinking & thought processing for your business
concept .
2) Principles - This step will cover business principles in innovation .Such as what guidelines and
approaches to follow whilst innovating your business. Involving how to over come any creativity
constraints & any confusion ambiguity in the business innovation process
3) Market Research- This step will look into market research of your new business concept and
help identify unfulfilled needs that are valuable to your business . Involving market analysis ,test marketing and moment of truth end user analysis
4) Experimentation- This step is the testing ,learning & designing stage in a rapid cycle of your
new product /service concept innovation. This involves concept development , concept testing,
experiment variables, quantification and proof of concept and testing and learning involved in
creating your business innovation.
5) Business Model - This step will turn your business idea & innovation into a valuable business
model that generates revenue .Including looking at latent demand of your business concept &
how it fits into your business sector market and looks into business value creation.
6) Management - This step will look into the future management of a new business innovation
Helping lead ,direct, control & measure your business innovation. We will look into how to fully
commercialise your new business product or service concept ,looking into business metrics and
objectives and business processes .Helping create a new revenue rate for your business.
7) Intellectual Property-The last step of the business innovation process with the Business Vault is looking into the intellectual property rights of your new concept . We will look at any products
or services which are similar in nature to your new concept to ensure their is no patent pending.
If you wish to patent your new concept we will then start this process and ensure all your trade
secrets are kept intact before launch and protect your business concept for the future.
Business Innovation Survive & Thrive Program
Business innovations solves business problems & challenges .It is important to always innovate
to succeed in business especially in times of business crisis.Business crisis presents us with a very
unique condition that allows for innovation & to think & move more freely & create rapid and important business change.There are 4 key areas that shift our business focus & foster better conditions for new thinking & business innovation. The Business Innovation Survive & Thrive Program will explore these key areas and appropriately focus the energy of your work force towards a clear purpose in resolving business crisis & leading business innovation & change.
The Business Innovation Survive & Thrive Program Includes-
-Business problem solving at heart
-Looking at the business system differently
-Uniting your work force around a business purpose & concept
-Un freezing the organisation & creating a bias towards creative innovative action
-Collaborative business innovation techniques and systems
-Unique membership login details to Survive & Thrive Business Innovation learning materials
-10 day training program in Business Innovation & Business Crisis Management For Change
The World Of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Learn how to be an innovative thinker in the role of design in new product & service provision & development in this 3 week World Of Entrpreneurship Innovation Workshop Series. Classes take place every week for 3 weeks at a selected venue of your choice in the form of face to face lessons & online video learning to accompany the workshop.
Week 1: Business Entrepreneurship
This week will prepare you for your career as a business innovator, creator & developer .Our fully
qualified business coaches will focus on developing your knowledge and skills in three key areas.
During this week you will meet entrepreneurship experts ,visit start-ups and work on developing
your own business plan and innovations
Week 2 : Innovation Case Studies
This week the focus is on the value of innovation & how to become a creative thinker & problem
solver .Entrepreneurs and our own experts will take you through case studies of companies who
have done things their own way, giving you insights needed to leverage innovation within your
own business. You will understand it's importance in relation to people mangement ,technologies
,customer satisfaction ,concept creation, standard operating procedures and more .By the end
of the week you will be able to access and analyse problems using a creative mind set.
Week 3 : Design Thinking
Design thinking is an important approach to new product & service development, and is only
possible if you first understand your customer's needs. This human-centred design process will
encompasses concept development ,applied creativity ,prototyping & experimentation. During
this week ,you will learn to identify current & future trends in design. Once you have gained skills
and insights in this you will be able to innovate and create the business design of the future.
*Please contact The Business Vault for more information and pricing on all Business Innovation
services at or 07875086760*